Monday, May 21, 2012


I turned 18 on April 8 Th 2012. My parents told me that after high school I was either going to have to pay rent or find myself a place to live. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet but I have to decide soon. Lately I haven't been making all the best decisions . There is just so much going on at this age. I have to think about my futur , my career, my schooling, prom and I could keep this list going for a very long time. I haven't exactly been making the smartest decisions. I am so busy with all of those things and when I am free I like to hang out with my friends and have some fun bu my parents expect me to do things for them . I spend all of my money for partying and always have my hand open for more. Today, my parents sat me down and told me that I had until the end of the school year to pack my stuff and get out. You can't imagine how much of a shock that was. I didn't think I was doing that bad. Me and my best friend brett , work for the same unit in the military and are thinking about renting a bachelor pad across the street from base. It's true when people say that you learn a lot of thing as you grow up. I wish I would have been smarter in my decisions. Seeing my parents cry today was the worst thing ever. It made me feel like a bag of crap. I have decided to turn things around for the best , I will be moving out but I will show them that I care. If you're reading this under the age of 18, the one thing I want you to take from my experience is just respect your parents and do as you're told. I know it's awesome to have a lot of fun as a teenager but the rest of your life is a whole lot longer. You may not always enjoy what you're told to do but it feels so much better when your parents tell you they are proud of you . You will never come out on the winning end if you can't respect them and do as you're told. It  will only be a matter of time before they can no longer handle you . Don't get involved in things you can't handle and always do every thing to the best of your abilities. If I had the opportunity to go back and do things differently I definitely would have . I love my parents to death and I know that down the road they will eventually look back and laugh at all this . I love you mom and dad and I hope I can show you that I'm trying to get my shit in gear . Very valuable learning experience. The least I can do is learn from my mistakes and not make them again. Also, I like to think that problems go away when you talk about them and I enjoy letting people that haven't gone through it yet the chance to see what it's like and possibly make better decisions then i did . 

Yours truly,

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